APIDT funds Internet development activities through project partners including the APNIC Foundation, ARENA-PAC and others.
The APNIC Foundation’s vision is a global, open, stable and secure Internet that is affordable and accessible to the entire Asia Pacific community.
To support this vision, the Foundation’s mission is to increase investment in education and training, community development, research, and related projects and activities. The Foundation engages with the Internet development community to promote key issues and priorities and as well as collaborate with partners/investors in support of Internet development in the 56 economies of the Asia Pacific region.

Arterial Research and Educational Network in the Asia Pacific (ARENA-PAC) is a backbone network with the purpose of research and education, comprising an international submarine cable network constructed with the goal of expanding the Internet in the Asia Pacific region. ARENA-PAC is a project of the Asia Pacific Internet Development Trust (APIDT), and is operated by WIDE Project with support from APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre).
The ARENA-PAC network includes several long-term IRU circuits, of 10 and 100Gbps, between a central exchange point in Guam and sites in Tokyo, Philippines and Indonesia. All circuits are leased from regional cable companies.